Friday 9 December 2011

The Bachelorette - Season 6 - Episode 12

The Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise wants us to believe that if you are drop dead gorgeous, funny, smart and successful, yet sadly single at 30, you are just unlucky.  No, you are probably not self centred, difficult, unable to form strong emotional attachments or in denial about which team you are playing for, just unlucky. Okay?

On the show, sadly still looking bachelors and bachelorettes take turns to find happiness.  They have everything going for them, except a loving partner. And fame, but that is after all what they are here to remedy. When they are not trying to meet lots of hopefuls to fill those gaping holes in their souls that is.

The prospective soul mates are expertly selected based on time honoured criteria. For the men they consider  the depth of their wallets, the squareness of their jaws and the visibility of their abdominal muscles. For the women, well, I think you get the picture... Playing like an old Mills & Boon novel come to life, it actually pokes delicious and very subtle fun at the concept – frequently espoused by the media – that physically attractive people are not just eye candy, but make the best mates.  Aimed mostly at a female audience, it also analyses and replays the smallest bits of action to death in search of greater meaning.

The Bachelorette this time around is Ali Fedotowsky, a reject of the previous season's Bachelor, Jake.  The season finale is usually a dreary tell all and reflection, entitled "After the final rose", which features too many flash backs and too little scandal.  Ali's season finale is no different.

Ali chose hunky Roberto over good old Chris.  It is abundantly clear that she never felt much for Chris and just kept him on for the purposes of the show. The replay of her patronising dump speech actually leaves quite a taste in the mouth. Frank, who dropped out of the final three because of "feelings for an ex-girlfriend", has the good sense to refuse to attend the final exposition.  The happy couple tells us they are now taking it slow.  Yes, they got engaged within weeks of meeting one another but are now taking it slow.  We all know what that means.  [Ali and Roberto broke up on 21 November 2011.]

Will dear old Chris be the next Bachelor? Frankly, he seems too sensible.

The Bachelorette concluded on Vuzu on Friday 9 December 2011 at 20h00