Saturday 31 December 2011

The Graham Norton Show - Season 10 Episode 8

The ageing Mr Norton and his zany chat show is an acquired taste.  Rude, hilarious, completely over the top and never to be out done, he invites a frequently mismatched group of guests and celebrities onto his red couch each week, feeds them alcohol and orchestrates the chaos that ensues.

Lined up on the couch this week is Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law, promoting the Sherlock Holmes sequel with some scary bromance moves.  Joining them is tranny turned dramatic actor, Eddie Izzard and Strictly Comes Dancing UK judge, Alesha Dixon. 

Mr Norton dredges up embarrassing tidbits from their pasts, spews suggestive one liners and ejects audience members from a big red chair when he gets bored.

Quality television that never gets old, The Graham Norton Show airs on BBC Entertainment on Friday nights at 20h30

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