Saturday 26 November 2011

X Factor USA - Top 9

It’s Thanksgiving y’all.  And in the true spirit of the American holiday, X Factor USA devoted the Top 9 episode to songs of thanksgiving, with the contestants having to dedicate their songs to loved ones. A recipe for excessive soppiness perhaps, but after some horrible performances last week, there were ironically fewer turkeys around this time. And just in time, because the contestants are facing double elimination this week.

Before I get into the performances, an honourable mention to dear departed Stacy Francis.  You were like the Amorosa X Factor never had.  Your pathological lying and semi-psychotic mood swings spoke of true star potential. And your final performance of Amazing Grace was positively demonic. Like a train wreck, you were mesmerizing. And not in a good way. I miss you already.

And now for the remaining talent: -

“Tonight I’m thanking my mom and dad for adopting me…”

From a crack house to the X Factor stage.  No, it’s not Chris Rene yet, it’s Rachel Crow. And what an absolute delight she is. Must have rocked that crack house. The stark contrast between her girlsy sweetness and her rich voice is just a joy for the senses.  Simon has inflicted some horrible song choices on her in the past and she still managed to shine. This week she donned a pilgrim dress and proclaimed that she believes. Solid performance, but, geez, can they please stop dressing her funny?  

“I’m giving thanks this week to my mom…”

It’s the hyper-active momma’s boy, Marcus Canty.  A nasty pitchy performance. But the judges loved it. Even Simon.  I felt betrayed.

“This week I’m giving thanks to God for all that he has done for me...”

Seeing Melanie Amaro reminds me of the stories about how Mariah Carey needs to be sown into her dresses.  Chunkiness aside, she is a sparkling talent.  A winning performance from her.  And a slightly scary outburst at the end. She didn’t let rip with a “Hallelujah” but she came close. At least I don’t think she’s boring anymore. 

“…I’m giving thanks to Tim, the councillor at my rehab…”

Chris Rene is living proof that hope never dies and that drug abuse does terrible things to your teeth.  So far the "Young Homie" has failed to live up to the potential glimpsed in his first audition, unable to sing songs other than his own.  This week he relived his first audition, to great success.  Don’t know if he can trot out “Young Homie” again, so he might be in trouble next week.

“We wanted to give thanks to the people who have shaped us into who we are today.”

Each reality show has that really poor contender that just doesn’t get voted off and manages to stick to the collective shoe like toilet paper till the bitter end.  Lakoda Rayne is proving to be that competitor.  After the quick demise of the rest of the groups, they have lingered like the proverbial bad smell. This week the four sour faces harmonised Taylor Swift.  High school talent show fare.  Poor Paula can only do so much…

“This week I am giving thanks to my mom, Janice…”

At least grandpa LeRoy Bell didn’t miss his cue this time around.  An emotional performance about death and old age. Even at his most vulnerable, still pretty much a dud.

“I am giving thanks to my supporters…”

What supporters?  He can apologise till he goes blue in the face.  I’m not buying it.  Brian “Astro” Bradley’s attitude has been atrocious from when he first stepped onto the X Factor stage. Whether the product of poor parenting, bad role models or excessive nasal ingestion of glue, he has been a shining example of all that is wrong with modern society.  I couldn’t care less if he is talented. I don’t want to see him on my TV screen and I think middle America agrees with me. The voters already put him at the bottom, before his attention grabbing tantrum last week. The repeated apologies this week are too fake, too little and too late.

“Tonight I am dedicating my song to give thanks to my best friend in the whole world, Shelby.”

What? Ah, dear old Drew. Just Drew. She dropped the Jewish surname.

From humble beginnings, giggling on her flimsy little bed in adoration of a larger than life Justin Bieber poster and sporting a borrowed brown dress at her first audition, she very quickly set herself apart with that haunting folksy voice. And then she plateaued. This week she delivered a flawed but mesmerizing performance.  Probably my favourite of the night. Don’t care what LA Reid says. 

“This week I’m dedicating my song to my 13 year old daughter, Rowan.”

Josh Krajcik.  We’ve got a winner here.  The voice.  The humble back story.  The creepy mother.  This is paint by numbers stuff.  His show to lose.  Alone at that piano he is in a class of his own. A slamming end to an emotionally overcharged show.

Double eliminations tomorrow night.  Stay tuned for more.