Sunday 25 March 2012

American Idol - Season 11 Top 10

As predicted Colon Dixon has started spouting religion on stage.  Can this fake piece of trash be more transparent?  Apparently he has now also started plastering so many bible verses on his Idol Twitter account that he has been cautioned by the producers.

The Top 10 performance was also a watershed moment for wannabe comedian Heejun Han.  When asked by style consultant to the show, Tommy Hilfiger, who his style icons are, he listed (fellow contestant) Jessica Sanchez, Madonna and Michael Bolton.  Seemingly in response to his bottom three showing last week, Han also came out on stage with a ridiculous performance of Billy Joel's "My Life" that prompted a clearly unimpressed Steven Tyler to remark that the music industry will kick his ass.

Anti-Idol internet phenomena Vote for the Worst has identified Han as their candidate for 2012 and are running an aggressive voting campaign to keep Han in the show.  We will have to wait for the results show to see if this is working.

American Idol airs on M-Net on Saturdays at 18h00 and Sunday afternoons.