Saturday, 5 May 2012

ARE YOU WATCHING: Top Chef All Stars (Season 8 Episode 2)

Hootie-Hoo! Our favourite cheftestants are back for Top Chef All Stars! Which means we don't have to spend the first five weeks of the new season trying to figure out who's who and we can just dip straight into the culinary action.

In an action packed episode 600 hundred children get fed copious amounts of sugar at the American Museum of Natural History under the supervision of guest judge Joe Jonas. Seriously? There's blood and ambulances when a contestant nearly takes off a finger. And then gets two stitches. Yes, two. Marcel becomes paranoid and Jen explodes in a not so funny parody of Gordon Ramsay.  We also see the return of the stiff snoozefest that is Katie Lee.  Remember her? She was the horrible robot butler host in season 1. My, how far this show has come...

Top Chef brings on the heat on M-Net Series on Saturdays at 19h30