Thursday, 3 May 2012

America's Next Top Model - Season 13 Episode 1

Tyra Bank's seemingly endless exploitation of naive young girls continues tonight with season 13 of America's Next Top Model.

Despite not having delivered a single actual top model in all the previous seasons, this time Tyra doesn't just parade fat girls and transsexuals, but aims to change the standards of the modelling industry as a whole instead by only allowing contestants under the normal minimum height of five foot seven on her shortlist.

The petite model concept might be new, but nothing else is.  As usual, everything from Tyra's hair to her personality and her ridiculous French accent is as fake as can be, whilst the new collection of shorter victims are swept up to shriek excitedly at the prospect of the torture and humiliation to come.  The awful Jays are back too: J Alexander rips out a weave within the first few minutes whilst Jay Manuel flaps on about commitment and drive and through all the make up and contrivance still manages to criticise contestants about not being themselves.

Like all the other seasons before it, this time around being young, photogenic and naive is also not enough to qualify for the honour of being an ANTM finalist. Instead, Tyra manages to throw together another of the creepiest collections of self obsessed and just plain weird girls, no doubt with the hope that the smallest bit of pressure will result in the mismatched group igniting into teary and bitchy splendour.

America's Next Top Model strikes a pose on Vuzu on Thursdays at 20h30