Thursday 24 May 2012

Bar One Manhunt - Season 2 Review

Like the old Bonnie Tyler song, Ursula Chikane is holding out for a hero. Yes, he’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast, but preferably he must also have visible abs.

The Bar One Manhunt is back! And no, it is not some ridiculous adventure dating show, it’s Bar One’s lame attempt at finding a rugged hero that supposedly embodies the 25 hour day that their brand is famous for.  Ironically of course, the very last thing any of their lean contestants would be wasting calories on at the end of a hard day is a Bar One, but clearly an adventure show featuring the kind of people who actually eat their products would be a lot less appealing, and for the contestants and camera men, probably life threatening as well.

Boasting the “strongest, fittest and smartest men in South Africa”, the whole show is premised on the concept that if you put fit and attractive men on screen and find any conceivable excuse for them to wear as little as possible you don’t need the smallest semblance of productions values to guarantee success.

But the knuckle dragging amateur beefcake dying to be discovered is the least of our worries.  Staring at this dreary mess in amazement, we have to wonder, when exactly did presenter Ursula Chikane become such a revulsion?  Yes, she has always been annoying, but back in the day when she was ambushing unsuspecting children at the beach with a big Junior Sport microphone, she still had a certain charm.  Sadly that is no more.  Drowned, it seems, in fake pretension, excessive ego or bitter arrogance, what was once relevant and trendy now has the appeal of a fetid corpse, bloated with foulness.

And when the Bar One cameras roll, Chikane doesn’t hold back on that foulness either.  Sporting a severe bleached hairdo, she takes charge, reciting instructions in a bored monotone and so slowly, that one has to wonder just how smart the “smartest men in South Africa” really are.  And like a bitter man hating drill sergeant she doesn’t pass up on any opportunity to snap condescending comments either.  As thoroughly unpleasant as the rest of this production, we can’t imagine that anyone could enjoy this nonsense with the sound on.

Bar One Manhunt is back on SABC3 on Thursdays at 20h00

Bar One’s marketing of this contrived sugar rush is reminiscent of a little child claiming to have dropped a chocolate bar in the bath.  They can swear high and low that its really a Bar One, but one look is enough to know that they are actually shameless passing off a sodden floating poo.

Whatever you do, don’t be tricked into taking a bite.