Saturday 14 January 2012


January normally means Saturday nights in.  So, what's on the box tonight?

Hardus Vogel (Albert de Villiers), Blapsie's six pack on the side from the comedy series Molly en Wors (currently on kykNET), permanently loses his shirt and gets his own movie, Stoute Boudjies

Never mind what it's about - with clothes, good taste and plot glaringly absent, you can just sit back, laugh and immerse yourself in a joyous common more virulent than flesh eating bacteria.

Stoute Boudjies airs on M-Net tonight at 20h30.


More subtle and certainly more satisfying is the sweet quirky drama Stranger than Fiction.

Will Ferrel makes a dramatic turn as Harold Crick, a lonely IRS agent obsessed with numbers, who suddenly realises that his life is being narrated by someone that sounds exactly like Emma Thompson.  The only problem is that the narrator is a real author. And she has a knack for killing her main characters.

Also staring Maggie Gyllenhaal, Dustin Hoffman and Queen Latifah, Stranger than Fiction is a rare gem of a movie and definitely the best thing on the box tonight.

Stranger than Fiction airs on tonight at 22h10.