Sunday 18 December 2011

X Factor USA - Top 4 Results

Just in: pimp-tastic Marcus Canty has been arrested by the fashion police and voted off X Factor USA.

The top three remaining to compete in the finale this coming week are front runner Melanie Amaro, bluesy Josh Krajcik and the spastic robot homeboy with a heart, Chris Rene.

But who will walk away with the 5 million dollar prize?

Could it be the destitute bin man with the hungry child and the dead father, who is freshly out of rehab and a glorious beacon of hope and a homeboy all at the same time, reality television savant Chris Rene?

Or could it be the greasy thirty year old single father, with the creepy mother and the old-before-her-time teen daughter, who used to serve fast food and now haunts us with his unbelievable voice, Josh Krajcik?

It probably won't be Melanie Amaro.  Despite being the most talented contestant on a reality singing show in the past few years, her lack of personal tragedy and failure will probably be her downfall in the end.

The X Factor USA finale and results shows are airing on M-Net over the Christmas weekend.

(Unfortunately this is three days after the winner has been announced in America, so fans who would rather stay in the dark might have to go visit relatives in the Eastern Cape during that time.)