Monday 27 February 2012

Piranha 3D

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...

Piranha 3D is B grade comedy horror at its finest. Starring Steven R McQueen (yes, that's Elena's troubled younger brother Jeremy from Vampire Diaries), Elisabeth Shue, Jerry O'Connell and various other hasbeens, this remake of a 1978 classic makes no bones of the fact that it is about two things only: sex and violence.  Featuring excessive nudity and numerous uncomfortably bloated bosoms, let's just say that once our hungry protagonists sink their teeth into the beauties, there is more than blood in the water.

The story is juvenile, formulaic and down right silly,  but executed with such gleeful delight that it just sweeps you along.  An earthquake releases prehistoric super piranhas from an underground cavern into a lake in middle America just as 20 000 drunken daylight partying students decend on the same lake for their spring break. Yes, there are lots of warnings, and no, they don't listen.  The end result is about 15 minutes of hilarious campy horror delight when the students become the buffet en masse, culminating in the most epic scene filmed with an outboard engine ever.

There is talk of a direct to DVD sequel being released soon.  Apparently the nibbly little critters find their way into the town's plumbing and cause havoc in swimming pools, bathtubs and toilets. Awesome.

Watch out for Piranha 3D on M-Net this month.