Sunday 26 February 2012

American Idol - Season 11

They're back!  The most successful incarnation of the Idols franchise ever.  You know, the one where the radio personality is the host instead of a judge, where the judges are mostly sober and the contestants have stylists. Oh, and talent.

American Idol Season 11 started off with a bang when Steven Tyler told a proud father that his 15 year old daughter is "hot, humid and happening". From there it was downhill as stiff ratings competition from The Voice drove the producers to shameless exploitation of collapsing and vomiting children during Hollywood week.  With the final 24 announced and the creepy kid with the cowboy hat safely home, we can now finally take the PVR off fast forward and actually start watching the show.

So, who do we love, who will win and who needs to go home? Now!

Of the many Adele wannabe's this year, one stands out: Jen Hirsh.  Jazzy, rich and chunky, this young lady has proven that she doesn't just eat like Adele, she can howl like her too.

The best personality of 2011 has to go to the hilarious Asian anti-hero Heejun Han. When asked by Ryan what he's sweating, he replied: "Mostly water."  If he didn't burst into tears at critical moments, we would honestly have thought he was the first professional Idol troll.

Our winner for 2011 is the charming pawn shop employee with the constipated voice, Phill Phillips.  Not the best vocals, but the most unique. Definitely the best smile though.  


Most reviled is a tie between Brielle von Hugul's repulsive boozy stage  mother and the utterly contrived Colton Dixon, who is way too cool to audition (and eat, apparently.) 

American Idol Season 11 is on M-Net on Saturdays at 18h00 and Sunday afternoons.