Monday 5 December 2011

The Celebrity Apprentice III - Episode 1

The only thing celebrities like more than attention, is pretending that they are charitable. So when 14 celebrities put their careers on hold to fight for their charities and become the Celebrity Apprentice, you know it is not about the egos. It is all about the charities. It's the Celebrity Apprentice III.

The celebrities are a mix of sports stars, comedians, actors and musicians, including Cyndi Lauper, Sharon Osbourne, Holly Robinson Peete and Sinbad.  Donald Trump's hair is faker than ever and he is committed to "firing the asses off each and every one of them"

It's the women versus the men.  "Totally  barking mad" Cyndi Lauper is elected the project manager of the ladies' team, Tenacity.   Bret Michaels , lead singer of rock band Poison, is positioned to head up the men.  The teams are tasked with running a New York city diner, creating the menu and serving up their own noxious creations. The team who makes the most money, wins.

Right out the gate Rocksolid has an unfair advantage: celebrity chef, Curtis Stone, wrangles up truffles and a plan to sell super expensive food.  There are quite a few sports stars in the men's team and they are good team players.  Poor Tenacity on the other hand  has a Victoria's Secret Model in charge of the food and is stuck with Sharon Osbourne, swearing profusely and posing for paparazzi. Holly is very bossy. Cyndi wants to serve strawberries with hamburgers and is concerned that she looks heavy on the promotional material.  When exasperated writer and comedian Carol Leifer declares them "a bunch of dumb b*tches" you know you are in reality television heaven.

On the day Tenacity delivers burnt chips and a spaced out Cyndi Lauper singing to an accordion. Sharon hides in the kitchen in shame of what she dubs a "####ing Star Wars bar".   Rocksolid initially encounters resistance to their 100 and 250 dollar burgers,  but finally manage to lure in some fat cats.     Secret guest judge Joan Rivers, and current reigning Celebrity Apprentice, slates them for serving her a cold burger and awards a 10 000 dollar bonus to the more frugal Tenacity.

Back in the boardroom it is revealed that Rocksolid  are the clear winners, raising the most money for their charity, despite the head start given to Tenacity. The ladies at first feign solidarity but eventually arbitrarily turn on least glamorous Carol and the Donald sends her packing.

The episode ran overly long, but was littered with brilliant moments, mostly thanks to Sharon Osbourne and her filthy mouth.  Worthy of the Monday night slot, this series promises to be hugely entertaining.

The Celebrity Apprentice airs on M-Net on Mondays at 20h30