Sunday 11 December 2011

X Factor USA - Top 5 Results

Beauty may be skin deep, but Nicole Scherzinger has shown us that ugly is to the bone. After tonight's show, even the doubters have to admit that she is pretty awful. Public enemy number 1 in fact. She is after all the reason poor Rachel Crow was sent home in tears in tonight's shock elimination.

A quick recap for those that missed the show. After guest appearances from Lenny Krawitz and Mary J Blige, Marcus Canty and Rachel Crow were left in the bottom two.  Both chose old favourites as their save me songs:  Marcus with "I'm Going Down" and Rachel with "I'd Rather Go Blind".  LA Reid voted for his own, perennial bottom dweller Marcus.  Simon and Paula voted for Rachel. And rightly so. She may have had one bad song the the night before, but has consistently been streets ahead of the smooth moving but vocally insipid Marcus Canty and completely outsang him in the sing off.  Woe be unto me Nicole was tearful from the get go.  Claiming that she could not decide and would rather let the public votes count, she chickened out and voted for Marcus, sending the judges' vote into deadlock. Steve called for the results of the public vote and revealed that Rachel was to go home.  Poor Rachel sat down in shock and started bawling like a thirteen year old, calling for her mommy.  Nicole started bawling even louder and running around the stage like it was her own elimination.  Which, let's face it, it probably was. After the show, she was apparently also booed off the stage and proceeded to lock herself in her dressing room.

Initially the glitzy replacement for the too heavily accented Cheryl Cole, Nicole Scherzinger very quickly showed us that underneath that thin veneer of gorgeous was a whole lot of nasty.  Petty, insecure and downright bitchy, she did not translate onto the small screen at all.  Her blatantly insincere attempts at pretending to have heart made it even worse.  Stories about her charges claiming complete creative absence from her side abounded. Which is of course the same inactivity that resulted in the elimination of the young sweetheart of the show, Rachel Crow.
Yes, Rachel would mostly likely not have won, but having her go home at the hands of Scherzinger is just almost too good to be true.  Personally, I'm all for gathering mobs and burning Scherzinger memorabilia.  I'll eat my remote if that phony self centred horror is back next season.