Saturday 3 December 2011

X Factor USA - Top 7 Tribute to Michael Jackson

It’s all about the ratings. And poor Simon must be getting desperate, because they trotted out the whole Jackson clan (mother, brothers and Blanket) for this X Factor USA Tribute to Michael Jackson.  Under the scrutiny of the Jackson parade, the remaining 7 contestants had to interpret the King of Pop’s songs without employing his trade mark nasal falsetto or random shrill hoots. No easy task. And no pressure.

Josh Krajcik opened the night with a clumsy performance of Dirty Diana. Embarrassed by the writhing scantly dressed dancers, he seemed completely out of place.  And when the mighty Josh falters, you know you’re in for a tough evening.

To cement the disastrous tone of the night, Astro rapped some self styled garbage while they played Black and White in the background, making it sadly apparent that apart from spitting and rattling like dropped coins in a gutter he cannot sing a single note. Someone needs to tell LA Reid that it takes more than an attitude and a secret handshake to make a star.

After the camera cut to Michael’s children – clearly bored and terribly unimpressed – it was ditsy Drew, alone on the stage, yodelling Billy Jean - a bizarrely inappropriate song choice. Despite previously having her tone of voice compared to MJ's, cute as a button, Rachel Crow, also faltered with a disconnected performance of Can You Feel It.

Marcus Canty, desperately trying to avoid any further elimination threats, went all out with a back flip, some very professional pumping and grinding, but ultimately boring vocals on Pretty Young Thing.  (The camera briefly cut to Blanket, looking suicidal.) Without reprieve we moved on to Chris Rene with a hip hop version of I’ll be There. Another dull and mediocre performance, hampered by sound problems.

And then Melanie Amaro strutted onto the stage with her brand new accent and attitude.  She nailed the usually shouty Earth Song, to the joy of the judges.  Blanket was still not impressed, but the consensus was that Melanie is already a star. She almost saved the night.

After milking some more ratings from the Jackson clan and numerous shouts of "I love you, Michael", Steve called the lacklustre affair quits. 

For a man that was so openly reviled and mocked during his lifetime, MJ is certainly very loved these days. They are even releasing a Michael Jackson scent soon. Once Wacko Jacko and a has-been, laughed at for attempting a final come back - now a saint that changed the world.  Yes, he was talented, but why all this tribute and scent and saint nonsense?  This is vile lecherous hypocrisy. Shame on the Jackson family. And shame on Simon for allowing this nonsense on his show.

 X Factor USA airs on M-Net on Saturdays at 18h00.