Thursday 15 December 2011

Miss South Africa Teen 2011

Are awkward wooden teenage girls in skimpy dresses your thing?

According to :

"18 year old Celeste Khumalo from Sandton, Johannesburg was crowned Miss South Africa Teen on Saturday 10 December at the Sun City Superbowl, to the audience delight. (sic)

Celeste who recently completed matric is a well-liked young lady with an approachable demeanour, fresh face and has big dreams. Her ambition is to pursue a BA Degree in Corporate Communications and one day become a media Mogul.

This young lady enjoys hobbies like reading, dancing and socialising which keep her fit and busy."

Honestly, could they be funnier if they tried?

Miss  SA Teen 2011 aired on Vuzu on Thursday 15 December 2011 at 19h30