Thursday 8 March 2012

Cake Boss

A living testament to why sugar is bad for you, Bartolo "Buddy" Valastro is the titular Cake Boss.  If you grew up eating random objects that normal people would not consider edible, then this reality show featuring Buddy and his cake shop in Hoboken, New Jersey is for you.  The show features hyperactive loudmouth Buddy and his legions of obese and sweaty cousins and brothers-in-law cobbling together moving robots, life sized race cars, beaches and even rhinoceroses out of rice crispy treats covered with dyed fondant or modelling chocolate. And Buddy does it extremely well, as he will pause every 3 minutes to tell you. 

When Buddy and family are not sweating over someones birthday "cake", they take some time out to scream at each another.  Generally, though, the manufactured personal dramas are as plastic and fake as their cakes.

Morbidly fascinating fair - not unlike a car crash - the most exciting moments are usually when, back in the kitchen, Buddy declares that he is going "old school", breaks out a piping bag of royal icing and inflicts kitch horrors upon unsuspecting sponge cake.

Cake Boss airs on Discovery Channel on Mondays to Fridays at 20h00.

Can anyone explain to us why someone would pay good money for a borderline edible creation that looks like a golf course in the first place?

See also Soul Food Family
              The Truth about Reality Television