Thursday 22 March 2012

What does Modern Family have to do with MasterChef SA?

Hilarious irreverent mockumentary meets sitcom, Modern Family, is a good reason to look forward to Wednesdays.

Each character, whilst inherently a stereotype, comes alive in such a brilliant and realistic way that other TV shows pale in comparison. What is their secret? Yes, brilliant writers and a clever concept goes a long way, but so too does having your actors fit their roles almost perfectly. Because ultimately finding a form of expression whether in work, art or entertainment that is truest to who you really are is a very powerful thing.

Sadly, this is where SA reality TV in particular goes very wrong. When Randall on SA Idols pretends to be a mean Simon Cowell clone, he comes off as a constipated idiot that slipped and came down awkwardly on a Toilet Duck. Or when the clearly jovial and friendly new judges on MasterChef South Africa try to emulate the arrogant pompous cravat wearing ringmasters from the Aussie show, they seem like Smartie offering sex offenders.

Take a hint from the cast of Modern Family and rather work hard and excel at being yourselves!

Modern Family lights up Wednesdays on M-Net at 19h30.