Sunday 25 March 2012

American Idol - Top 10 Results

A first year marketing student could tell you that the complete overhaul of a brand is a dangerous thing.  Remember what happened when the star of Felicity, Keri Russel, chopped off her signature long curls? And Erika van Pelt did just that when she cut off her blond hair and dyed it black. 

Unsuccessful and jarring make-over = elimination.

Even though Heejun definitely crossed the line with his Top 10 send up of a Billy Joel song and ended up in the bottom three as a result, he survived.  Maybe it was the Vote for the Worst support or maybe it's just simply the fact that he was actually originally voted into the top 13, whilst Erika was dragged back in by the judges.  Either way, we will have to wait and see what happens next week to discover if Heejun's promised knock-out performance will be a good or a bad thing.