Wednesday 4 April 2012

Terra Nova - Series Finale (Part 1)

All good things come to an end. And fortunately, so too do horrible TV shows.

Lauded as the most expensive TV show ever, the dreary and confused family drama meets dino disaster, Terra Nova, was cancelled after the first season - possibly also making it the most unsuccessful show ever.  Proving conclusively that no amount of money can fix a horrible and unoriginal idea, the bloated Terra Nova quickly collapsed under the onslaught of TV critics and the general public and turned belly up when it was cancelled by the Fox Broadcasting Network. When no other network was willing to step in to resuscitate the ailing monster, it was finally declared dead.      

Here in South Africa we have also been struggling through this tedious mess of a series, but fortunately the end is nigh.  And in true Terra Nova style, the season (and series) finale is a big one. So big in fact, that it will take two flushes to get this one down.

Part one of the series finale - entitled "Occupation" - airs tonight (Wednesday, 4 April 2012) on M-Net at 20h30