Sunday 8 April 2012

Game of Thrones - Season 2 Episode 1

Season 2 of Game of Thrones promises more of the dazzling dialogue, breathtaking cinematography, brilliant acting and the graphic sex and violence we have come to love and expect from our favourite TV show.

Taking up the story where the season 1 finale left off, the first episode of season 2 reintroduces us to all our favourite Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons and the lone Targeryen.  It also introduces us to a few new faces, most notably the late King Robert's younger brother and rightful heir to the throne, Stannis Baratheon and his sinister advisor, Milesandre.

Milesandre of Asshia is a priestess on the island stronghold of Dragonstone. Possibly only the second character in Game of Thrones with supernatural abilities (after fire walking Daenerys, of course), she very quickly establishes herself as a formidable and downright scary presence.  (Fans of the show should keep a close eye on her necklace when she drinks from the poisoned chalice!)                    

Entirely in a league of its own, the magnificent Game of Thrones lights up M-Net on Fridays at 21h30  (as of 13 April 2012).  Don't miss the preview of the first episode tonight after the Sunday night movie.

Our favourite moment of season 2 so far?  It has to be that little whimper Joffrey lets out after he gets slapped.  After all, what is Game of Thrones without some Joffrey slapping?