Sunday 22 April 2012

American Idol - Season 11 Top 7 (Again) - Results

Joy! Rapture! The man-skunk is no more!  Finally America has seen the light and given Colton Dixon the boot!

In celebration of this joyous occasion, we fondly revisit our favourite Colton moments.  

Colton started spouting so much religion on his Idol Twitter account that the producers had to caution him.

His screeching voice and vocal affectations were reminiscent of a little girl being chased around the schoolground by her first boyfriend.

and our personal favourite -
When Facebook photos of a healthy and normal looking Colton surfaced on the internet, it became clear just how fake his onstage persona and that ridiculous hairdo really was.

And now, finally, we can describe him the way we have longed to since the very beginning of season 11:  GONE!