Sunday 1 April 2012

American Idol - Top 9 Results

Tonight Steven Tyler proved that despite the hippie hair, make up, nail polish, tight pants and aberrant sexual behaviour, he is actually just an old fart. Harshly critical of Heejun Han the week before, this time around, upon Han's elimination, he just couldn't stop himself from trying to take another shot at the Asian jokester.

Tyler revelled in his role as the bearer of bad news, and upon declining to exercise the vote to keep Han - who received the lowest amount of votes this week - in the competition, he just had to comment smugly that Han must have seen it coming.

Really? Han did not get eliminated because he wasn't taking the show seriously. He lost votes because he suddenly tried to distance himself from his previous antics, leaving his fan base stranded and confused - a move no doubt forced on him by the ever present Idol dictator Nigel Lythgoe. And let's face it, even at his worst he was considerably more entertaining than these boring judges and their terminally confusing and contradictory comments: slamming one contestant for not showcasing her upper register and praising the very next one for holding back on the high notes.

It's now wonder this show is in a spiralling ratings decline back home in America.

American Idol airs on M-Net on Saturdays at 18h00, with results on Sunday evenings at 18h00.