Sunday 15 April 2012

Titanic - Mini Series (Parts 1 & 2)

Dramatic irony at its finest. And the worst way to start your week.  An overwrought period drama disaster floats onto our screens tonight and makes us wonder: how did those poor people die? Was it the icy water or was it chilling soul destroying boredom?

Featuring all the cliched snobbery and classism and doomed love affairs that have grown on the myth of the Titanic like barnacles on the hull of a ship, Titanic is pretty much the same as every other production that has borne this ill fated name. Created purely to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the infamous maritime disaster, this version is about as compelling and sincere as birthday wishes from your cell phone network provider.

Watch this convoluted dreary nonsense strike an iceberg before you abandon ship.

Titanic Parts 1 & 2 are aired back to back tonight at 19h32 and 20h25 on BBC Entertainment